Posts tagged Dr dinesh

We are Proud that Our Post Graduate Student Dr. Dinesh Y, Our Professor and Head of the Department Dr. Pratibha Ramani and Our Associate Dean and Professor & Head, Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam has published this Letter to the Editor an Epigenetic Alterations Driving Oncogenesis In Head And Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Yasothkumar D, Ramalingam K, Ramani P. Epigenetic alterations driving oncogenesis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Exp Oncol. 2023; 45(3): 393-396.

High Impact Publication

Our Post Graduate Student Dr. Dinesh Y Our Associate Dean and Professor & Head, Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam, and Our Professor and Head, Dr. Pratibha Ramani has published an original research article on Machine Learning in the Detection of Oral Lesions With Clinical Intraoral Images

High Impact Publication

Our Post Graduate Student Dr. Dinesh Y Our Associate Dean and Professor & Head, Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam, Our Professor and Head, Dr. Pratibha Ramani and Dr. Ramya Mohan Deepak, Director, (Saveetha School of Engineering) has published an original research article on Machine Learning in the Detection of Oral Lesions With Clinical Intraoral Images

Cite this article as: Y D, Ramalingam K, Ramani P, et al. (August 24, 2023) Machine Learning in the Detection of Oral Lesions With Clinical Intraoral Images. Cureus 15(8): e44018. doi:10.7759/cureus.44018

High Impact Publication

Our Post Graduate Student Dr Dinesh, Our Research Scientist Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Our Associate Dean and Professor & Head, Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam, and Our Professor and Head, Dr. Pratibha Ramani has published an original research article on Biofabrication and Characterization Using Egg Shell Nanoparticles and their Haemolytic Analysis: An in-vitro Study

High Impact Publication

Our Assistant Professor Dr Reshma P K and Our professor and head, Dr. Pratibha Ramani , Our Associate Professor Dr Deepak Pandiar and Our Post Graduate Student Dr Dinesh Y has Published this article on Gingival swelling as a first sign of clinical presentation of ligneous periodontitis in a patient with autism spectrum disorder