Pathology - The Science behind any Diagnosis
Pathologists are instrumental in the diagnosis of every Oral Disease before an intervention and our Lab is the flag bearer of Oral Pathology in India.
Why should you do choose OMFP-SDC?
Accurate Diagnosis, Advanced Diagnostic Aids, Adjunct courses, Archives of a plethora of cases, Array of Modules, Adept teaching
State- of- art Infrastructure
The only dental College to have a Cryostat for frozen section Diagnosis, improve survival in Oral Cancer Patients. We also have the largest panel of immunohistochemistry Antibodies, Research Microscope, Stereo Microscope.The department along with greater resources of the College - BRULAC has PCR, Hard tissue Microtome, Cell culture, animal research facilities
Research Facilities
The Department has been a pioneer in the field of research, you can experiment your research quest by having an opportunity to do short term research projects along with your main Dissertation. It does not end there, we have collaborative research projects with NIBMG and abroad. The department also is a recipient of Grants and boasts of numerous indexed publications (230+publications ) in high impact factor journals!
Learn from the experts
Not just our faculty team, we also bring experts in the field to train our postgraduates. Be it Bio-informatics, Forensic odontology, Genomics, Cell culture, Cochrane Systematic Review, Molecular advances through workshops, Guest Lectures.
Institution with the largest number of cases
We are the only private institution with the largest number of biopsy cases from both in-house and referral cases. The varied number of cases reported, hone a postgraduate into a competent Oral Pathologist. We report Oral cancer Cases in CAP format. We also made it to the news by reporting a case of 526 supernumerary teeth in a 7 year old. We also have the largest archive of slides soaring to 60,000 Slides
So if you are a PG in Saveetha, there isn’t a case that you haven’t seen!
Advanced Curriculum in pace with the Competitive World
Our PGs undergo a comprehensive training from basics to the most advanced facets of Oral Pathology from Grossing, General, Histology, Oral histology, Molecular Biology, Forensic Odontology, Cytopathology, Hematopathology, CT and MRI Imaging, Extensive Surgical Pathology Training in Modules.
Student Exchange Program
It is not just here, you can also learn from across the world through the extensive network of academic collaborations and Student Exchange Program of Saveetha. Our postgraduates underwent student exchange program in the University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
“Why the Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology stands high?”
Only Dental Institution to have frozen section attached to operation theatre.
Largest archive of Histopathology Slides.
Exemplary in house antibodies with High Quality Immunohistochemistry
Hard Tissue Microtome
Largest referral centre.
College of American Pathologists protocol for the Examination of Specimens from Patients with Cancers of Oral Cavity.
Incredible clinical resources both prospective and retrospective cases.
230+ Publications
200+ Scopus Indexed Publications
40+ PubMed Indexed Publications.
Citations in Reputed Journals
Triple O
Pathology and Oncology Research (IF 1.95)
Oral Oncology(IF 4.636)
Archives of Oral Biology(IF 2.050)
PLoS One(IF 3.497)
Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery(IF 2.597)
Head and Neck Pathology (IF 2.08)
Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine (2.237)
Human and Experimental Toxicology (IF 1.84)
Journal of evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences