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Article Publication

Our Professor Dr. Gheena and Assistant professor Dr. Abirami Arthanari has Published this Research Article on Preparation of Centella Asiatica Aqueous Extract and Its Free Radical Scavenging Effect.

Volume 14 No 1 (2022):

International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education

It is available:

New article published in our International Journal of Head and Neck Pathology



1 Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India



The Indian medical system and ministry of AYUSH recognizes Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) as CAM (Complementary and alternative medicine) and also promote organizations/institutions that practice AYUSH health services and research. Various oral pathologies have been explained in Ayurveda with treatment. Yoga is a mind-body medicine, considered to be originated from India. Similarly other forms of CAM like siddha, Unani, homeopathy, naturopathy, acupressure/acupuncture, Reiki, pranic healing etc., have preventive and curative effect for oral diseases and can be used as an adjunct in general dentistry. This is a short summary of complementary and alternative medicines which can be integrated with dentistry.

Keywords: Dentistry, AYUSH, Integration, Complimentary medicine, Alternative medicine

How to cite this article: Ananthalakshmi.R. Integrative Dentistry –What, When and How. Int J Head Neck Pathol. 2022; 5(1):1-4.

New article published in our International Journal of Histopathological Interpretation

Radicular Cyst adjacent to Danger area of Face: A Case Report

Dr. Mohd. Iklas Khan1 , Dr. Sandeep Sihmar Sihmar2 , Dr.Shalini Rathi3 , Dr.Paras4

1-2. Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Daswani Dental College, Kota , Rajasthan , India 3. Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Maharaja Ganga Singh Dental College, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan India 4. Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Medical Anatomy, SGT Medical College, Gurgaon Haryana, India Corresponding author: Dr. Sandeep Singh Sihmar, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Daswani Dental College, Kota , Rajasthan , India

Mobile: +919254431759



Radicular cysts are the most common (57%- 87%) asymptomatic odontogenic cysts of inflammatory origin affecting the human jaws , it can result in slow growth tumefaction and involve many adjacent sound teeth endangering their vitality and prognosis. It is usually a sequelae of the periapical granuloma originating as a result of bacterial infection and necrosis of the dental pulp, nearly always following carious involvement tooth. We discussed a case of radicular cyst near the danger area of face. It can be threatening if the cyst is present in the dangerous area of the face. The dangerous area of face comprises the upper lip, the lower part of nose and the adjacent area. It has been named as dangerous area because boils, infections of the nose and injuries around the nose, especially those that become infected can readily spread to cavernous sinus resulting in cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST). CST is generally a fulminant process with high rates of morbidity and mortality. In this case report, we are documenting a rare case of radicular cyst of “patient age and sex” in the mention the name of exact location area of the face. We surgically excised the cyst with effective antimicrobial agents and save the adjacent teeth also.

Key words: Radicular cyst, Cavernous sinus, Thrombosis, Necrosis

How to cite this article: Khan M.I et al. Radicular Cyst adjacent to Danger area of Face: A Case Report. Int J Histopathol Interpret 2022; 11(1):1-9. Received: 06-03-22; Accepted: 18-05-22; Web Published: 10-06-2022

Article Publication

Monica K, Abilasha R, P Ramani, Gheena S, Reshma PK

Knowledge And Awareness On Management of Biomedical Waste among Orthodontists and General Dental Practitioners.

Int J Orthod Rehabil 2022; 13: 1: 28-35.


Background: Dental care facilities generate a high amount of Biomedical Waste (BMW) like sharps such as surgical needles, blades, wires, brackets, extracted teeth, human tissues, discarded or expired medicines and dental materials, highly contaminated with blood and saliva. Segregation and collection should be done in separate colour coded bags or containers; according to Biomedical Waste Rules, 2016 the Ministry of Environment and Forest in India. Poor management of wastes leads to high risk to public, patients and professionals and also contributes to environmental degradation.


To assess the knowledge and awareness on management of biomedical waste management among orthodontists and practicing general dentists.

Materials and methods:

A cross sectional study was conducted through Google form (electronic based survey) among general practising dentists; survey consisted of 18 closed ended questions. The data collected were tabulated in Microsoft Excel and exported to SPSS, descriptive statistics and Chi-Square test was performed (p<0.05 was considered statistically significant). Results: 83.8% practising dentists follow the biomedical waste disposal policy in their hospital or clinic, among which 91% use protective barriers (e.g. gloves, masks) during handling of biomedical waste. 63.1% disposed human anatomical waste and blood contaminated waste properly where only 55.9% disposed extracted teeth and human tissue in yellow bags. Significant association was found between management of incinerated ash and qualification among orthodontists ( p=0.019) and with experience of less than 1 year had proper knowledge; (p=0.021). Disposal of plaster of Paris was properly managed among general practioners (p=0.039). Management of sharps was done properly using needle destroyers among general dentists and orthodontists (p=0.041).


Safe and effective management of biomedical waste is a legal necessity but also a social responsibility of dentists, according to this present survey 7 – 9.2 % of the dentists are not effectively following the biomedical waste management.

Keywords: Biomedical wastes, BMW, Health Care Facility, segregation, colour coded bags.


The author of this review has no funding sources to declare.