We present a case of Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
We present a Case of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma - Grade I
We Present a Case of Chronic Osteomyelitis - Secondary to Osteopetrosis
We present a case of Unicystic Ameloblastoma Type 1 - Luminal
We present a Case of Plexiform Neurofibroma in the left lower lip.
We present a Case of Canalicular Adenoma
We present a case of Fibromyxoma - Maxillary gingiva
We present a case of Pleomorphic Adenoma of Buccal mucosa.
We present a case of Cementoblastoma involving the mandibular molar.
We present a case of plexiform ameloblastoma that also showed granular change and acanthomatous areas.
We present a case of Traumatic Ulcerative Granuloma with Stromal Eosinophilia (TUGSE)
We present a case of WDSCC with Multi-nucleated giant cells resembling Langhan’s giant cells
We present a case of Fibromyxoma
We present a case of Fibroma with unique giant cell fibroma like fibroblasts.
We present a rare case of orofacial granulomatosis presenting as gingival enlargement.
We present a case of Dermoid cyst that was referred to our department.
We present a vesiculo-bullous lesion that was an intra-epithelial blistering disorder - Pemphigus
We present a rare case of Primordial Odontogenic Tumor
We present a classic case of Cemento-ossifying fibroma.
We present a case of chronic granulomatous lesion - Tuberculosis in the head and neck region.