CDE Program and Guest Lectures
Importance of Basic Sciences in Clinical practice- Guest lecture by Dr. T. Elangovan
November 23, 2019
Guest Lecture on “Understanding Molecular Drivers of Oral cancer through Genomic driven Approaches” by
Dr. Nidhan K. Biswas, National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kolkata.
November 7, 2019
Research Experience and Opportunities in Tissue Engineering - Guest Lecture Delivered by Dr. Gopu Sriram
Resource Person for PATHOSURGE 2K19 - SRM Kattankulathur Dental College
Forensic Odontology in a Nutshell - Guest Lecture Delivered by Dr. Balamurugan
Bone Tumors - Guest Lecture Delivered at Adhiparasakthi Dental College and Hospitals by Dr. Pratibha Ramani
Integrated learning on Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Dr. Pratibha Ramani
Vishwanathan Endowment lecture at XXVII National IAOMP Conference by Dr. Pratibha Ramani
Guest Lecture by Dr. Gifrina Jayaraj on Oral Microbiome at Saveetha Dental College, Sept 2018
Guest Lecture by Dr.Pratibha Ramani in the IAOMP PG Convention, SRMC Chennai, July 2018.
Guest Lecture by Dr. Ramkumar Ramamoorthy in the Paediatric Oral Pathology CDE
Felicitation of Dr. Sandhya Sundaram by Dr. Shamala Ravikumar and Dr. Pratibha Ramani
Interactive Slide Discussion, Paediatric Oral Pathology CDE
Guest Lecture for Undergraduates and Postgraduates by Dr. Kwah Chong Tek
Histopathology Slide Reading Series Part III on " Soft Tissue Pathology" . Resource Persons were Dr. M. Vidyalakshmi MD, Assoc. Professor,Department of General Pathology, PSG Institue of Medical Sciences, Dr. M.P.Brundha MD, DNB, HOD in Charge, Department of General Pathology, Saveetha Dental College.
CDE Programmes Attended
Distinctive Head and Neck Soft Tissue Tumors- An Updated Approach organized by Sri Ramchandra Institute of Higher Education and Research on 24th June 2020
Orofacial pain – A Case Based Approach” organized by SRM Dental College on 23.06.2020
Step by step Approach in the diagnosis of Salivary Gland Pathology” organized by People’s Dental Academy, Bhopal on 12 June 2020
Scope of Research in Dentistry” organized by Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, SRM Dental College on 8th June 2020
Collections of Unusual Tumors and Lesions of the Jaw Bones and Oral mucosa” organized SRM Dental College on 6th June 2020.
IAOMP Webinar series #4 organized by Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists on 2nd June 2020
IAOMP Webinar series #3 organized by Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists on 30 May 2020
Clinicopathological Correlation of Fibro- Osseous Lesions organized by Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research on 30 May 2020.
Lecture on “Making a Dental Career in the UK” held on 14th December 2019 at Saveetha Dental College, Chennai.
Haemoglobinopathies - A Diagnostic Conundrum - Saveetha Medical College, 24 April 2019.
PATHOSURGE 2K19 - SRM Kattankulathur Dental College, 23 April 2019.
Molecular diagnosis of antibiotic resistance in oral pathogens - Saveetha Dental College, 26-28 March 2019
Hands - on workshop on ELISA - Biomarker Quantification - Saveetha Dental College, March 21 2019.
Basics of infection control & hand washing techniques - Saveetha Dental College, March 16 2019.
Triple O Symposium 2019 on tumors of jaw bones, Adhiparasakthi Dental College and Hospitals, 14 March 2019.
CME on HORIZON 2019:The epitome of Biomedical Research, Saveetha Dental College, February 28 & March 1 2019.
Integrated learning on Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Saveetha Dental College, February 22 2019.
Lasers in oral and maxillofacial pathology - Hands on - Thai Moogambigai Dental College, February 18,2019.
VII National Rapid review programme - SCOPE, Sri Ramachandra Dental college 23-25 January, 2019.
Research priorities in oral precancerous and cancer - Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, January 2019.
Research and clinical applications of Stem Cells - Recent Updates, Saveetha Dental College, 14 December 2018.
CDE Programme, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Nov 20, 2018.
Histopathology Slide Seminar, SRMC,22 October 2018
MICRON 2018, Adhiparasakthi Dental College, 10th October, 2018.
Oral Microbiome, Saveetha Dental College, 6 September 2018.
Pediatric Oral Pathology, Histopathology slide reading series part -IV, Saveetha Dental College, 5 April, 2018
Community based dental education at UKZN, Saveetha Dental College, 13 March, 2018.
VI National Rapid review programme - SCOPE, Sri Ramachandra Dental college 29-31 January, 2018.
Faculty Development Programme on “Interactive lectures –Boon or Bane”, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, January 2018
IX Interactive Histopathology Slide Seminar, SRMC,10 November 2017.
Basics in Immunohistochemistry - A workshop, Saveetha Medical College, 5 October 2017.
DISASTER VICTIM IDENTIFICATION,Forensic Odcontology - Sri Ramachandra Dental college, August 2017
NUTRIGENOMICS - New directions for health promotion,biochemistry - Saveetha dental college, June 2017.
STEM CELLS, June 2017.
CURRENT TRENDS IN CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY - Creating Healthy tomorrow,Biochemistry - Saveetha Dental College, April 2017
SPACE IMMUNOLOGY,Oral medicine -Saveetha dental college, April 2017.
TRAIN THE TRAINERS,PEDODONTICS at Saveetha Dental College, on 7th April 2017.
DENTAL IMPLANTS SIMPLIFIED at Saveetha Dental College, on 11th April 2017.
AN INSIGHT INTO BREAST CANCER,General Pathology - Saveetha Dental College, February 2017.
Cochrane Systematic Review protocol development. Saveetha Dental College, 30 January 2017.
ANAEROBIC INFECTIONs: Current challenges and Newer approaches, Department of Microbiology - Saveetha Dental College, January 2017.
NATIONAL RAPID REVIEW PROGRAMS,Oral Pathology - Sri Ramachandra Medical College, January 2017.